
The Cursed Collective: 5E / PF 2.0 Compatible Cursed Items

Created by Ralph Levi Clark

A collection of 50+ unique and creative Cursed Items suitable for all your tabletop role-playing game campaigns!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick shipping update!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 10:13:06 PM

Hello Backers!

I wanted to show you guys proof of the last thing we're waiting on, see the email image below!

When I ordered new supplies to finish shipping out some backlogged projects I picked up less than necessary and ended up needing a large order of some books and cards I ran out of! I've had those ordered since late June and I received word on July 9th that the products had all shipped from Print Ninja and were on their way to me, I'll share with you that email here.

As you can see, the shipping which used to take "approximately 4 weeks" is not taking "approximately 6 weeks" and while I was hoping this would not be the case, the last remaining decks and books I need to start putting out the North American packages for The Cursed Collective are still on the literal slow boat from China! 

I expect to have a tracking notification any day now when they reach US Customs and the day they're here I'll have 120 or more packages leave the house. You can expect the rest to go within the remainder of the week as we sort complicated orders and get the packaging all put together nicely for you!

Here's a look at the books and trick or treat sacks waiting to be assembled!

Waiting an inventory refills now!

While we're all still waiting, feel free to take a look at the relaunched Relics of Magical Mystery project that I just launched put live on Kickstarter! I've spent over $30,000 and sent out over 1000 packages this year while not having any source of income for the company coffers. I can only hope that by me doing that I've proven that I do not plan to do anything nefarious with your funds, I'm legitimately doing my best to make awesome things that you can enjoy at your table and in your game worlds! With that said... if you want something awesome that is only going to be available for a short time then now's your chance to have some Ultra Limited Hand Signed Tome of Magical Mystery or a newly upgraded Complete Box of Magical Mystery! Check out the project by clicking the image below!

As always, more updates will come as I get tracking info and that should be SOON!



Update on status of shipping!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:25:32 AM

First things first. I know it's been a while since I've updated, and I apologize for that. The simple fact is I hate sending out messages that say “there’s been zero change” – but unless I TELL you there’s been zero change, you’re left wondering what’s going on. That’s on me.

There honestly hasn’t been much real progress on coming up with the money to send out products to everyone. I made slight headway and got to ship another 40 packages or so to Cursed Collective backers. Any time I have money in the company from any source that is NOT ear-marked for production or shipping for another project (in other words, “profit” that theoretically would be me actually making some money), I use it for shipping and split it between this project and two other nearly finished projects.

Those other two projects are 92% completed (or more) for the US shipping and only lack international shipping or are missing specialty items. The huge spike in international shipping due to Brexit was unavoidable.

The plan early this year was to either get another project funded and use the left-over profit to send out your packages in big batches OR to earmark a large chunk of my incoming tax return and turn out the entire project all at once over a week long shipping rush.

Neither of those things have happened at this point.

I hate to say it but my income tax is held up due to some tax filing issues (thanks, accountant!), making my much needed refund something currently lost to limbo until this is handled. Also, as you can see, my current project (it's linked HERE and at the bottom of this post) is struggling at this point to find funding. 

I know exactly why. It's because of being unable to deliver this project and, after crazy increases in shipping prices and the loss of my EU Friendly shipping company, having my international backers - like my poor tax refund - floating in limbo. I've been up front about all of this as much as possible. Although I made some excellent headway and delivered over 500 packages across 3 projects in the last 5-6 months, the wait is causing more and more backers to understandably be upset by their predicament. Many have become more vocal about it and I understand their frustration.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who realizes that I'm a real human being and I'm struggling to correct a ship that's been listing badly. I'm doing everything I can to make sure I keep my promises and the only way to do that is to stay in business. I've checked every angle and tried to make the best decisions but painful truth is that if I don't have income then I can't pay to ship products… BUT if I don't ship products from these projects that suffered financially then I'm unable to create new projects and make profit. I’ve explained the financial issues in previous updates (i.e., lawyer’s fees, having a previous business associate walk away with free assets and no liability to deliver, Covid 19 like the rest of the world, hurricane displacement, etc.) It’s like a laundry list of roadblocks, yet despite it all, I’m STILL trying to deliver on the projects you were trusting enough to pledge.

Let me note this in BOLD here. PROFIT - as in the extra money that would be going in my pocket after a new project is complete - is instead going DIRECTLY to pay for shipping to backers who have been patiently waiting. I'm NOT taking money for creation, artwork, or production from any project and shifting it to anything else; only the profit leftover is put back in.

It's a viscous cycle.

95% or more of my company’s incoming funding is from Kickstarter. Not a penny of that goes anywhere else. If I make money on Roll20 or DTRPG… you guessed it, it goes straight to shipping products for backers! Every penny.

I'm sorry we're all in this position and it sucks. We're ALL losing right now and I'm trying to push us up a hill, so thank you to everyone who's been supportive and who's reviewed a PDF of the Cursed Collective somewhere or dropped me a kind word just to remind me that you're still with me... thank you so much for that. I'm sorry I can't say that I've magically come up with the funds to send everything out all at once. But I am here to say that I'm NOT gone and I'm not leaving you behind. Hell, I spent a hefty chunk of my stimulus towards getting this latest project off the ground, hoping it would be a nice and simple project to help replace the missing funds. This is my single source of income; I've been unemployed since Covid began!

I'm digging DEEP for you guys!

If you want to help speed things up, there is only one direct way to do so. You can socially assist and help spread the word about my new projects or financially assist by backing them along with others who are trying to make this happen for everyone.

If you're a new backer then you'll receive everything you have pledged for in a combined package when the new one goes out. Any money on top of what you've pledged goes directly into shipping someone ELSE'S package! You get cool new stuff, plus your old stuff, AND you help someone else!

If you're not willing to do that… then let me say that I fully understand. I'm not trying to complain about how frustrated you feel. I ABSOLUTELY would rather you feel comfortable waiting and receiving product by proof of my actions than have you go against your feelings and throw money at something you don't believe in. (If you do though, it all comes back around in the end.)

Thank you for your time and your support. You've really been amazing so far and your enthusiasm motivates me to continue producing quality, creative products that elevate your gaming fun. I WILL deliver you some wickedly twisted items and rules for your awesome games. It's gonna happen, just you wait and see ;)



For those who want to help, here's a link!

Short Update and New Moji Condition Cards Kickstarter!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 02, 2021 at 08:09:46 PM

Hello Backers!

Project Physical Delivery Status

At this point I'm done cleaning up all but the last little bit of the Tome of Magical Mystery and the couple of new projects that I've been focused on are as far underway as they can be at this point. The Truly Wild Magic Remastered project is on it's final leg of delivery for International Backers and the Hero Coins have suffered delays due to manufacturing but other than shipping back and forth items we're done with that as well :)

That means all new money brought in from any new or upcoming business that Session Zero Games can collect will go directly to buying the shipping materials and paying for shipping to get packages out to all of you guys, you're the next on the top of the list to get taken care of! I know it's been a long ride, thank you for hanging in there with me and I am ready to get some shipping underway as soon as I can. 

I have several new projects lined up that are simple and will work just like the last couple, easy to produce and fun to bring to the table with ALL extra funds shifting right back into this project to get you all the product you pledged for over a year ago now. As a heads up, here are some of the new avenue's I'm exploring that should be helping me bring The Cursed Collective to a close sooner rather than later :)

New Moji Condition Card Kickstarter

Click the image to visit the Kickstarter!

I've been working on a new, simple and fun project which is now live on Kickstarter! These are replacements for my older Condition Cards and they're using full body images of the new Moji characters that we put on all of the Condition Tokens and include a couple of new never before seen Spell Effects as well! Check it out and pick up a copy to help us hit our $3000 goal!

Roll20 Updates

Click the image to visit Roll20!

If you weren't aware, I do have a lot of my products in digital form on the free to use digital table top platform known as Roll20. While most of my products are simple Roll20 formatted copies of my existing magic item cards or even moji condition icons, I've decided it's time to test the waters with some digital one-shot adventures and have been working with a company that specializes in Roll20 mechanics known as Wyvern Anvil Press! Our first co-release is The Light On Top Of The Mountain! Check it out by clicking the image below!

Christmas One Shot Feedback

I just wanted to ask if anyone had any feedback to share on the one-shot Christmas adventure :) If you loved it or hated it, found it joyous or revolting, please let me know with a comment! We've got more in store if you played it and want more but if you could care less then we won't bombard you with them as the year goes on!

Until the next update when I have more information on final when we can begin physical shipping,



Free Christmas One Shot Available Now!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 10:24:32 AM

Happy Holidays!

Download Instructions Below Image

I'll keep this short and simple :)

1.Visit my website using the link below and add Assault on Krampusnacht to your cart.

Assault On Krampusnacht | SessionZeroGames

2. Check your cart and click on the button at the bottom left that says "Enter a promo code" which will open up a box.

3. Type "XMAS" into the coupon box and hit the "Apply" button to see your full 100% discount applied to your PDF file!

Please spread the word so that anybody you know can grab a copy for their own games!

More Info About The Adventure

We've built what we think is a zany, funny and FUN adventure that you can sit down and run with 4-6 friends in about 3 hours. You can bring your own characters but keep in mind that this adventure is balanced for Level 6 characters. A smart and careful party of level 5 adventurers can survive with intelligent planning while level 7 characters will still find plenty of challenges if they try to simple rush through and take everything on at face value :)

In this Christmas one-shot the players will be playing an elite hit squad of elves sent on a secret mission from Santa. The mission is clear, infiltrate Krampus’s evil workshop and put an end to his evil doing in time to save Christmas. This is written as a stand-alone adventure, but it could easily be added into your campaign by having Santa request the help of the existing party or introduce the mission by whatever plot hook you decide.

We're using this as a way to judge interest in this quality of drop in adventure for your games so please leave comments here or share reviews on reddit or other social media sites and help us spread some free Christmas cheer! If you like what we've done then you can look forward to us reaching further into this type of output for your games that would be available through multiple sources including Roll20!

Have a happy holidays and may you enjoy many adventures in the new year! We'll see you on the other side when 2021 has arrived!



Status Update!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 02:52:39 PM

Hello Backers!

Things are FINALLY moving forward with increasing speed. I actually had a big long update prepared last week but I've been so slammed doing 4 other projects to keep the company moving forward that my computer somehow randomly lost the entire thing (I know, my dog ate my homework). I was so burnt out at the time I just turned the thing off and abandoned it for the night, with the best of intentions of rewriting the whole thing. However, sooner is better than later, so I’ll give you this short and sweet version rather than wait for me to finish rewriting War & Peace. :)

Status of Project!

Digital Files


If you didn't get something you were supposed to that is downloadable please contact me!

Printed Books


After reprinting proofs several times and finding minor errors (several of which were distinctly printer-side!) we finally have solid copies of the softcover AND hardcover copies in hand and approved! We’ve given the printer the go-ahead for a full run. That’s underway, but they’ve informed us that we likely won't have them all in hand before the end of the year. Bummer, but they are in the queue!

Printed Decks


The first batch of cards I received using a new printer (as the original was backed up at the time of the order) were NOT of the promised quality. No way was I going to settle for “less than” – not after everything 2020 has thrown at me (and you!) This caused numerous delays: in printing, in shipping, and through back and forth arguments over what *I* considered acceptable and what was not.

Long story short, I'm currently awaiting a refund from them and have processed a new order from my old printing company. These are in queue to be delivered at the same time the books are delivered since they are all coming from the same place! It’s the quality I expect and the quality you deserve.

Status of Session Zero Games

  1. In the process of moving my business license from Texas over to the new headquarters in Florida.
  2. Getting prepared to run a booth for my first Renaissance Faire this upcoming weekend (The Jubliee Renaissance Faire in Robertsdale, Alabama).
  3. Shipping the last packages of my August Kickstarter project Truly Wild Magic: Remastered.
  4. Sent out 400 packages over 2 days and have another 150 prepped to go to the UK tomorrow.
  5. In the process of approving final coins from my October Kickstarter project Onward to Adventure: The Hero Coins which is on schedule for a Christmas delivery.

I know this is frustrating but it's a process that proves to everyone that things are being delivered while also giving me the bank required to ship product that was unfortunately defunded by the ex-partner and the subsequent 12 months of legal hassles. TWMR put enough funds in the business account that I was able to reorder of the Cursed decks without having to wait on the refund from the old company!

FYI, coins are apparently way faster to make than books; this was something I did not know until we began producing coins this year!

The Tome of Magical Mystery is in the same boat as the Cursed Collective - the remaining handful (less than 100) backers are now awaiting the final batch of prints to arrive so they can be immediately shipped out. The Decks of Adventurer’s Allurement is undergoing a forward moving train of momentum (including an upcoming name change that should be no real mystery) that has seen a handful of new writers and my editor putting all of their energy into getting the rest of the decks completed and up to snuff so that we don't do what the other company did (my old "partner" who shall remain unnamed) which is basically slam out a bunch of really low quality filler material to pad it out and hope you don't notice. Yes, it's taking more time than the rest but oh my... it's SOOOOO good!

I feel like now I'm finally back, I'm fully back. Every bit of my heart and soul, all of my effort, every teensy little piece is all going into making this work and making sure you all get everything you've generously pledged to receive. Please don't lose hope in this project; I HAVEN’T! It just came at a weird time right before a series of real life roadblocks that none of us saw coming.

I'll send out more updates as things progress :)
